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Better Decisions. Better Thinking. Better Outcomes.focuses on one of the most challenging aspects of modern-day leadership -- how to be a positive force in the midst of VUCA.  Steven has moved the discussion away from the symptoms of poor decision making to an understanding of its root causes and how to deal with them. Chapter after Chapter offer practical steps for personal development and insights in how to keep mind and body in harmony. Amazon review

Better Decisions Better Thinking Better Outcomes by Steven Howard

  • Positive Reviews:

    • Mindful Leader's Guide to Improved Outcomes: "Steven Howard's book is a clear and practical guide to becoming a more mindful leader. He lays out actionable steps for improving decision-making, boosting brainpower,and achieving better outcomes. Packed with insights and techniques, this book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to lead with greater intention and achieve their goals." - Sarah Jones, CEO of BrightPath Consulting
    • From Overwhelmed to Empowered: "I was drowning in decisions and feeling constantly stressed. This book gave me the tools I needed to step back, clear my head, and make better choices. Howard's focus on mindfulness and brain health was refreshing, and his techniques actually work! I'm now making better decisions, feeling more in control, and seeing better results in all areas of my life." - John Smith, Executive Director of Hope Foundation
    • Science-Backed Strategies for Success: "Howard weaves together neuroscience, psychology, and leadership principles to create a comprehensive guide for enhancing decision-making. He doesn't just tell you what to do, he explains why it works, leaving you feeling empowered to make lasting changes. This book is perfect for anyone who wants to improve their thinking and achieve better outcomes, both personally and professionally." - Dr. Mary Lee, Professor of Cognitive Science

    Neutral Reviews:

    • Solid Framework, Lacks Depth: "While Howard's framework for improved decision-making is sound, I found some sections to be a bit shallow. More detailed examples and case studies would have been helpful for applying the concepts to real-world situations. Still, a good starter guide for those interested in improving their decision-making skills." - Michael Brown, Business Consultant
    • Useful for Leaders, Limited for Others: "The book's focus on leadership makes it especially valuable for executives and managers. However, individuals in non-leadership roles might find some of the content less relevant. Overall, a helpful guide with actionable strategies, but it might not resonate with everyone." - Jane Doe,Marketing Manager

    Negative Reviews:

    • Too Many Buzzwords, Not Enough Substance: "While the book is full of catchy phrases and trendy concepts, I found it short on practical advice and actionable steps. I felt like I was reading the same things repackaged in different ways. More concrete examples and specific techniques would have been beneficial." - David Miller,Entrepreneur
    • Repetitive and Lacks Originality: "The content felt unoriginal and repetitive, borrowing heavily from other similar books on decision-making and leadership. I didn't find any groundbreaking insights or unique perspectives.If you've read any other books on this topic, you'll likely find this one familiar and underwhelming." - Elizabeth Garcia, Life Coach

    Please note that these are just my reviews, and your own opinion of the book may vary. It's always best to read the book yourself to form your own informed opinion.

    I hope this helps!

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